Monday, July 14, 2008


Biomedical engineering (BME) is the application of engineering principles and techniques to the medical field. It combines the design and problem solving skills of engineering with medical and biological sciences to help improve patient health care and the quality of life of individuals.

As a relatively new discipline, much of the work in biomedical engineering consists of research and development, covering an array of fields: bioinformatics, medical imaging, image processing, physiological signal processing, biomechanics, biomaterials and bioengineering, systems analysis, 3-D modeling, etc. Examples of concrete applications of biomedical engineering are the development and manufacture of biocompatible prostheses, medical devices, diagnostic devices and imaging equipment such as MRIs and EEGs, and pharmaceutical drugs.

Generally students find difficult to do projects in this field since it's a novice field and developing field

Major projects in graduation in this field are given below:

        Corelation analysis of EEG and MRI imaging techniques 

         Peritoneal Dialysis


          Transfemoral and trans tibial artificial limb design  

           Blue tooth solution for 12 lead wireless holter monitor 

Infant monitoring system using CO2 sensor 

Artificial upper limb-A new prototype of the prosthesis 

Endoscope Cleaner 

Cochlear Implant 

An artificial intelligent algorithm for tumor detecting in screening mammogram 

Endocardial edge detection by fuzzy inference system 

Functional interaction of drugs heroin and nutrient beta carotin in albino rats 

MRI image compression & transfer 

Embedded algometry for trigger point and fibromyalgia pain syndrome

Rehabilitating peripheral diabetic neuropathy by acupressure and electrical stimulation 

Glaucoma detection from fundus image 

Overcoming Challenges Faced In Radio-Frequency  Ablation Of Hepatic Tumors 

Remote programmable sinus rhythm pacemaker 

Voice controlled mobile robot with interactive feedback 

Urinary bladder stimulator with feedback control 

PC based instrumentation for open heart surgery 

Image analysis of wear in total hip replacement 

Bio telemetric measurement of heart beat and temperature 

EMG as physiological input for computer cursor control 

Mother fetus ECG separation 

3D segmentation and interpolation of MR brain images 

Design & implementation of artifacts resistant power efficient finger plethysmographic system 

Spinal orthosis-Milwaukee braces 

Advanced microarrayer system for making DNA micro arrays 

Stress management with EMG & Electrodermal Bio feedback 

Mechanical design of body powered prosthesis for upper  limb amputees 

Diagnosis of frontal lobe epilepsy using EEG/MRI 

Continuous and safe pacemaking by Acupuncture meridians 

Correlation of signal potentials at the LGN 

Novel protein drug delivery system 

A novel technique for finger print feature extraction using fixed size template 

Digitsl multichannel skin temperature monitoring device 

DICOM image compression using support vector machine (SVM) & internet transmission + WAP transmission 

Implementation of GMP in an existing Pharma device industry 

Hip-knee-ankle- foot orthosis 

The use of DPOAE & reflectance for diagnosis of hearing loss and tinnitus 

Development of expert diagnostic systems for cancer detection by analysis of mammography images incorporated with DIP&Neural network approach 

Development of expert  diagnostic systems for cancer detection by analysis of ECG for diseased condition 


Research projects 

thermal sensor to measure low urinary flow rates. 

Analyzing Bear Bones to Find Treatments for Osteoporosis

Alternative Medicine


 Cardiovascular Function

 Computational Image Processing





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